News & Publications

Il Sole 24 Ore: "Esg obligations strengthened along supply chains by two incoming EU directives" 28 October 2023

Written by Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati | November 3, 2023

We publish the article of Il Sole 24 Ore which - at the end of the conference "'Esg: strategy, reporting and value creation" organised in Turin on 27 October by ACB Group, summarises the workshop and mentions, among others, the contribution made to the discussion by our partner Claudia Scapicchio.  

Claudia's speach focused on the novelties and criticalities introduced by the new EU directive on green claims, which outlines a complex regulatory framework and heavy sanctions for companies that do not comply with the new rules of transparency and evidence on the declared sustainability of their products and services.

You can read and download here the article in PDF.