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“Blue Book of Italy. Annual Development Report of Italy (2023-2024)” was published in China with a contribution by Stefano Vergano

Written by Studio Legale Jacobacci & Associati | August 8, 2024


The fifth edition of the "Blue Book of Italy Annual Development Report of Italy (2023-2024)" has been published. It is edited by the Institute of European Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Office of International Cooperation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Department of Italian Studies of the Chinese European Society. 

The volume includes the article: "The 2023 reform of the Italian Industrial Property Code: background, main contents and outlook", written by our associate Stefano Vergano together with Prof. Chunhong Liu, Director of the Centre for Italian Studies and Research at Beijing Language and Culture University and Alessandro Burrone, researcher at the School of International Relations at Peking University.

For more information click HERE.