Lorenzo Gyulai
Languages: Italian, English, French, German
Office: Turin
Contact Lorenzo Gyulai
Lorenzo focuses on contracts and litigation - both judicial and extrajudicial - relating to trademarks, patents, models and designs, unfair competition, know-how and trade secrets, copyrights, geographical indications and appellations of origin, assisting both Italian and foreign clients.
Lorenzo has also acquired significant experience in commercial law, both at the contractual level and in commercial and corporate litigation. He is also involved in drafting terms and conditions for e-commerce websites, as well as the related privacy policies. Lorenzo also provides legal assistance with regard to product labeling and advertising slogans, particularly in the areas of environmental and social sustainability.
Show moreLorenzo is particularly active in anti-counterfeiting matters, cooperating with the organizers of relevant national and international trade fairs to offer on the spot assistance to exhibitors, playing an active part in the Anti-Counterfeiting Service and the Information Desk on Intellectual Property within the framework of the aforementioned fairs. He also deals with customs intervention procedures, cooperating with customs authorities in Italy and other EU nations.
Lorenzo is a member of the firm's German Desk.
Professional Experience
Lorenzo joined Jacobacci Avvocati in 2012 and has been a Counsel since 2024. He works in the Turin office as a member of the German Desk.
In 2013, he was seconded to the Schneiders & Behrendt law firm in Bochum, Germany, where he assisted with German-language trademark protection in matters of German and European Union law.
Education and Teaching
Lorenzo holds a law degree from the University of Turin and a postgraduate diploma from the "Bruno Caccia and Fulvio Croce School of Specialization for the Legal Professions" of the University of Turin.
Professional Affiliations
He has been a member of the Turin Bar Association since 2010.
Lorenzo is a member of LES Italia (Licensing Executives Society).
Publications and Recognition
He is co-author of an essay on database protection under Italian law (‘La banca dati tra tutela della creatività e tutela dell'investimento’), published in ‘La proprietà intellettuale: nuove prospettive per una crescita sostenibile’, by LES Italia in 2023.
Passions and Interests
Lorenzo is passionate about history, geography and sports, subjects that he often has the chance to enjoy in his experiences abroad.