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Alberto Camusso


Languages: Italian, English, French

Office: Turin

Alberto has over 25 years of experience in all areas of intellectual property, with a particular focus on patent and trade secrets litigation, as well as trademarks and designs. During his career, he has assisted dozens of Italian and foreign companies from the most diverse industries in the strategic management, defense and enhancement of their intangible assets, combining a deep knowledge of intellectual property law with a pragmatic and business-oriented approach.

Alberto has obtained prominent precedents before the Italian Courts, up to the Court of Cassation, the European Court of Justice and in opposition or appeal proceedings before the EPO.

Alberto also assists his clients in the negotiation of complex commercial agreements, and supports them in the preparation of corporate policies for the protection of intellectual property and know-how from a risk management perspective.

He has also gained significant experience in handling antitrust issues, with particular reference to the intersection with IP issues.

Professional Experience

Alberto has been a partner of the firm since 2006 and works in the Turin office.

Education and Teaching

Alberto graduated cum laude from the University of Turin in 1995.

In the same year he received a Post- Graduate Diploma in International Trade Law from the ILO, and in 1998 a Post- Graduate Diploma in EC Competition Law from King's College London.

Between 1998 and 1999 he was a visiting foreign lawyer at Addleshaw Booth & Co. in Leeds.

A frequent speaker at conferences in Italy and abroad on various intellectual property topics, since 2005 he has been a lecturer at the Master in Intellectual Property at WIPO - University of Turin.

Professional Affiliations

Alberto is admitted to practice before the Supreme Court and is an authorized representative at the UPC.

Alberto is an active member of Marques, where he is currently vice-chair of the Dispute Resolution team, and of AIPLA.

Publications and Recognition

Alberto has participated as a speaker in numerous seminars, conferences and webinars, and has published various commentary articles on IP-related topics and court decisions:

  • Contributor to the Italia chapter of "Compatibility of Transactional Resolutions of Antitrust Proceedings with Due Process and Fundamental Rights & Online Exhaustion of IP Rights", 2016, Springer.
  • Protecting Brands Online”, European Lawyer Reference 2012, Thomson Reuters
  • La tutela del know how”, Giuffré 2012 (co-author);
  • La riforma del Codice della Proprietà Industriale”, Giuffré, 2011 (co-author);
  • "Anti-counterfeiting in Italy shows signs of improvement" published on World Trademark Review 2008;
  • "Textbook on Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Patent Law" edited by Darby & Darby (co-author);

“Alberto Camusso is a professional with an outstanding and consolidated experience in the IP field.”
Legal 500 2024 IP Italy

“Alberto Camusso is a safe port of call for high-profile names who need representation in complex patents and trade secrets cases before the Italian Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice. He is a great choice for optimal enforcement strategies and assistance navigating IP-rich negotiations.”
IAM Patent 1000 Italy

Passions and Interests

Alberto is passionate about sports, especially tennis, boxing and basketball.

He loves fishing, good food and wines.

Finally, he is a proud - albeit often disappointed - fan of Torino FC.